Venous Insufficiency
Louisiana Heart and Vascular
Interventional Cardiologists & Internal Medicine located in Covington, Mandeville, Hammond, Franklinton, and Slidell, LA
Venous insufficiency affects an estimated 40% of people in the United States. It’s especially prevalent after age 50 and occurs more often in women than in men, but anyone is at risk. At Louisiana Heart and Vascular, board-certified interventional cardiologist Farhad Aduli, MD, can help you avoid the serious complications associated with venous insufficiency, including deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins. Call the Covington or Mandeville, Louisiana, office or use the online tool for an evaluation today.
Venous Insufficiency Q & A
What is venous insufficiency?
Venous insufficiency means the veins in your legs aren’t functioning correctly. When working properly, the veins work to pump blood back to your heart.
This process requires your veins to work against distance and gravity using tiny valves. These valves close once the blood passes through so it can’t spill backward and instead flows back to your heart for filtering and oxygenation.
When you have venous insufficiency, these valves don’t close properly and blood fails to flow smoothly. The blood can pool, leaving you with unsightly spider and varicose veins.
When should I suspect that I have venous insufficiency?
Several common symptoms suggest that you may suffer from venous insufficiency. These include the presence of:
- Varicose veins and spider veins in your legs
- Swelling and discoloration in your legs
- Pain and heaviness in your legs, especially after standing for long periods
- Rashes and sores that appear around your veins
These symptoms aren’t immediately dangerous, but they can be unsightly and make some activities uncomfortable. Varicose veins can also cause complications if not treated.
In some cases of venous insufficiency, a life-threatening condition known as deep vein thrombosis occurs. Your leg swells and becomes painful due to a clot in your weakened vein. Without immediate treatment, this clot has the potential to travel to your heart or lungs.
How is venous insufficiency diagnosed?
Louisiana Heart & Vascular provides diagnostic ultrasounds to evaluate the health of your veins. This imaging tool is painless and noninvasive. Your technician reads the ultrasound to get a clear picture of your veins and how the valves are working.
What is the treatment for venous insufficiency?
Dr. Aduli customizes your treatment plan according to the degree of your vascular disease and the severity of your symptoms.
Usually, he recommends medical-grade compression stockings to keep blood from pooling in the veins in your lower legs. Often, these stockings do enough to relieve pain and swelling and improve circulation so you can go about your regular activities.
In addition to wearing these stockings, Dr. Aduli may recommend sclerotherapy. This minor procedure involves injecting a special chemical into smaller varicose veins to seal them shut. Your body naturally redirects blood flow to healthier veins nearby.
Radiofrequency ablation may be used for larger, more problematic varicose veins. During this procedure, radiofrequency heat energy is sent through a thin, flexible tube to close off blood flow in the troubled vein.
To be evaluated for venous insufficiency, call one of the offices of Louisiana Heart and Vascular or book your appointment online today.
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